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Dear colleagues!
We invite you to participate in the International Conference
ACE-24, 15-18 November, 2024 @ Saint Petersburg, Russia 

Experts, scientists, business representatives are warmly welcomed.

Scope and problematic fields of the conference: 

1. Digitization: global - national and social - economical issues
- Regional, national and global markets dynamic;
- Post-covid era: factors of demand and competitiveness;
- Economic efficiency in digitization context;
- Globalization of social and economical sectors;
- Features of the social and innovative systems development;
- Future of innovative progress; 
- Innovative  performance in the post-pandemic period (corporative, sectoral, national cases); 
Measures of economic, social post-pandemic recovery.

2. Corporative management and administration in the modern conditions 
- The practice of business developing in social and educational spheres;
- Organization of commercial activities; 
- Competitiveness in post-pandemic realities; 
- Social and innovative transformations; 
- Problems of sustainable and innovative development;
- Cases of private business and social institutes  management. 

3. Marketing communications in global management
- Consumer behavior in post-pandemic era;
- Features of the promotion in modern conditions;
- Directions for increasing the customer-orientation;
- Comparative models of the companies' competitiveness; 
- Innovative and communication technologies in modern companies;
- Marketing of services.

4. State in regulation of economical development  
- Data security and legal issues;
- State projects and Governmental support; 
- National policy in communication technologies development; 
- Ideology and propaganda in the modern social transformations.

- Investment and economical attractiveness; 
- Features & cases of Governance.

5. Social infrastructure for digitizing and virtualization 
- Value of social infrastructure and social assets; 
- Smart and Resilient social Infrastructure Systems; 
- Modeling of network infrastructure, public market and social systems; 
- Problems of infrastructural provision of society development in post-pandemic recovery.

6. Personnel potential of innovative progress
- Human factors in social and innovative development; 
- Problems of training specialists for the social and economical spheres; 
- Competences of employees: evaluations and development; 
- Systems of incentives and motivation of personnel; 
- Problems of attracting migrants; 
- Protecting the rights of workers; 
- Labor protection.

7. Strategic and operative innovative management 
- Behavioral modeling;
- Managerial decisions: process of making and implementing; 
- Innovative environment; 
- Features of planning in the modern conditions; 
- Systems of motivation and control; 
- Legal frameworks of innovative management; 
- Standards of innovative management, systems of quality control. 

8. Innovations in social and economical spheres 
- Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, Neural Network Modeling;
- E-business and e-commerce practices; 
- Electronic documents and online Public Administration;
- Corporative and social systems of innovations generating and implementation;
- Innovations exchange and international transfers. 

9. Problems of sustainable development of  society
- Safety, Behavior, and Sustainability in the Mixed Environment; 
- Collaboration and Sustainability in social developing; 
- Principles of sustainable customers behavior; 
- New guidelines for the education development; 
- Environmental regulations and environmental protection: guidelines for educational reforms.

10. Education and professional training in the modern conditions 

- Universities, colleges in modern social relationships; 
- Efficiency of educational management and education processes planning; 
- Methods of effective studying and teaching; 
- Modern practices of student centered and cooperative learning; 

- Innovative education and education oriented on innovations.  

Important dates (dead lines) are available here 
Article formatting requirements are available here
The review procedure and selection criteria are given here

The full texts of accepted papers will be published in the conference proceedings,
including online with indexing in Google scholars database.
Papers can be recommended for publication in issue of "E3S Web of conferences" journal (SCOPUS) in case of positive reviews and additional corrections. 
If you have any questions, you can contact us directly 

We wish you good luck and we are waiting for you in Sain Petersburg!


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