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Our "golden reserve" - 

awarded - board 

Dr. Siriwan Saksiriruthai 

Suan Sunandha Rajabhat University, Bangkok, Thailand,

author of the research titled " Impact of Extra Income on Leisure: A Theoretical Foundation" and nominated as "ACE-2015 Outstanding research"

Dr. Anton Mulyono Azis

STIE Ekuitas, Bandung, Indonesia

was nominated as "ACE-2015 - Outstanding professor" 

Dr. Raeni Dwi Santy,S.E.

University of Computer, Indonesia, author of the research titled 

"The effect of midnight sales promotion strategy of purchase desicion (Survey on Big Malls in Bandung city)" and nominated as "ACE 2015 Best research" (version of National Academy of Management, Kyiv, Ukraine)


Kannapat Kankaew

International College, Suan Sunandha Rajabhat University,

author of the research titled "Thai Airways International: The World economy Crisis Resolutions" and nominated as "ACE 2015 Best research" (version of National Academy of Management, Kyiv, Ukraine)

Dr. Zuzana Wozniaková

VSB – Technical University of Ostrava, Czech Republic

co-author of the research titled "Evaluation of start-ups and spin-offs by using economic or non-economic variables"  and nominated as "ACE-2015+ Outstanding research"


Dr. Tanapol Kortana

 Director of Master of Business Administration, Christian University of Thailand, Bangkok, Thailand

was nominated as "ACE-2015+ Outstanding professor" 



Ms Sirinya Siriyanun

Suan Sunanda Rajabhat University, Bangkok, Thailand author of the research titled: "Managing Ethnic Minorities in Special Economic Zones: The Karen on the Thai-Burmese Border" and nominated as "ACE 2015 + Best research" (version of National Academy of Management, Kyiv, Ukraine)


Dr. Sergej Vojtovič

Alexander Dubček University in Trenčín, Trenčín, Slovakia

co-author of the research titled: "The impact of labor immigration on wage levels" and nominated as "ACE 2015+ Best research" (version of National Academy of Management, Kyiv, Ukraine)


I Made Surya Negara Sudirman

Udayana University, Indonesia 

co-author of the research titled: "An Evidence of Capital Markets Cointegration Decline in Five ASEAN Countries" and nominated as "ACE 2016  Best research" 


Dr. John Tampil Purba

Business School, Pelita Harapan University, Lippo Karawaci,

Tangerang, Indonesia

was nominated as "ACE-2016 Outstanding professor" 

Mahachai Sattayathamrongthian
Dr. Yingsak Vanpetch 

Rajamangala University of Technology Rattanakosin, Nakhon Pathom, Thailand


Suan Sunandha Rajabhat University, Bangkok, Thailand

co-authors of the research titled: "Foreign Tourist’s Perception toward Visiting Thailand after Erawan Shrine Bombing"and nominated as "ACE 2016 Best research" (version of National Academy of Management, Kyiv, Ukraine)


Dr. Rachada Fongtanakit

Suan Sunandha Rajabhat University, Bangkok, Thailand, author of the research titled: "A Comparative Study of Bank’s Efficiency in ASEAN Economic Community" was nominated as "ACE-2016+ Outstanding research"

Dr. Sudawan Somjai

Suan Sunandha Rajabhat University, Bangkok, Thailand

was nominated as "ACE-2016+ Outstanding professor"

Dr. Dmitriy Rodionov 
Peter the Great Saint-Petersburg Polytechnic University, Russia
was nominated as "ACE-2016+ Outstanding professor"

Dr. Siravit Koolrojanapat

Suan Sunandha Rajabhat University, Bangkok, Thailand, author of research titled: "Strategies for Good Governance and Good Management:

A Case of University in Thailand" nominated as "ACE-2016+ Outstanding research"  (version of National Academy of Management, Kyiv, Ukraine)

Dr. Jury Kuporov
Peter the Great Saint-Petersburg Polytechnic University, Russia, co-author of the research "Assessment Method for Image of Regional Educational Institutions" nominated as "ACE-2016+ Outstanding research" (version of National Academy of Management, Kyiv, Ukraine)
Dr. Chukiat Chaiboonsrib
Prasert Chaitipa

Chiang Mai University, Chiang Mai, Thailand authors of the research titled:

"The Dependence Structure of International Tourism Demand:

 Evident from Seasonal Data Effected to Fluctuations in AEC countries" was nominated as "ACE.AS-2016 Outstanding research"

Dr. Kichigin Oleg Emilievich

Peter the Great Saint-Petersburg Polytechnic University, Saint-Petersburg, Russia author of the research titled: 

"Assessing the impact of fossil fuel production on territorial eco-economic development" was nominated as "ACE:FIIS-2017 Outstanding research"

Dr. Yuthapoom Thanakijborisut

Faculty of managements science, Suan Sunandha Rajabhat University,

Bangkok, Thailand - author of the research titled:

"Insuring Consumption Against The Health Shocks: A case of Thailand" was nominated as "ACE:FIIS-2017 Outstanding research"

Dr. Juraj Válek

Faculty of National Economics, Department of Finance University of Economics in Bratislava, Slovakia  - author of the research titled:

"Environmental protection by environmental  taxes" was nominated as "ACE:FIIS-2017 Outstanding research"

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